Rules For Online Bingo Chats

For those who are not new in the online bingo halls these rules may seem to be the odd ones out, however, it is always better to avoid the mistake than to correct it. Therefore, we are to consider the most basic and common bingo chat tips.

What you SHOULD do in the online bingo chat:

  • The most common tip would be to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Respect other players and show it.
  • Do not tell old jokes and those that might insult other players. Avoid jokes on religion, race, age, sex and politics.
  • Welcome new guys in the room. Remember how uncomfortable you felt when you were a new one.
  • In case someone asks for an advice and you know it, be sure to help him.
  • Encourage those who are losing and congratulate the winners.

What you SHOULD NOT do in the online bingo chat:

  • Type in capital letters.
  • Be the one who talks more than others in the chat.
  • Complain when losing and use bad language.
  • Make fun of other bingo players.
  • Promote other bingo chats and rooms.
  • Complain on technical problems. Use the support instead!